Monday, July 16, 2007

"Valentia Light" - sold

9"x12" oil on oil primed Belgian linen mounted on board

On our arrival in Ireland on Sunday (July 8th) we drove from Shannon airport through the Dingle peninsula, stopping at a few places & finally making our way into Valentia, unpacking & getting oriented to our new 'home' for the week. Our point was to stay awake until 8pm that first day before finally going to bed - so we'd get our bodies used to the 5 hour time difference from the east coast of the US. On Monday - we headed over to the Valentia Lighthouse, one of my favorite places to paint there. We did have every sort of weather blow through during the time we stood there. A bit of sun, a bit of rain...and a GREAT DEAL OF WIND. My portable easel (made by EasyL) held up famously during the high winds. But keeping my hand steady was a big challenge. This week would hold some great weather challenges for our group - but we are a hardy- tough bunch of plein-aire painters!


Blogger Cheryl Kling said...

Welcome Home. Your Valentia is lovely.

July 17, 2007 at 10:04 AM  

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