Monday, August 20, 2007

Button Chrysanthemum - sold

4"x4" oil on gessoed masonite

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary! (I didn't think either of us looked old enough for that!). My husband sent a huge bouquet of flowers to the house today. He knows I like a mixed batch to arrange myself - to set up and paint! Wow, I got 2 arrangements out of them. So I set up a huge 30"x30" canvas and have a great start on the first one. There are a lot of little white chrysanthemums in it - the kind that have a yellowy center, along with Peruvian lillies, a couple of BIG lavender mums, yellow golden-rod looking flower, & other idea, but they're pretty & looks like it will be a fun mix to paint. They are all in one of my favorite green pottery pitchers I got in San Diego many years ago. That pottery piece has seen a lot of paintings!

This little gem came to be, because I wanted a small piece to post on my blog today.....that would be finished! The big painting will need another day or two!


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