Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer's Rest Geraniums & New England Workshop & SHOW!!!

16"x8" oil on linen mounted on archival panel
For more information, or to purchase, click here. 

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses." - Hanna Rion 

"To be interested in the changing seasons is a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." - George Santayana

I hope you're enjoying your summer, whether it's blazing hot, or perhaps you have milder temps like we've been having. Summer in New England has been really good to us this year. 

I have to admit, I hate to see summer go, as it's really such a delight here. But autumn brings it's own wonder.  September always has that great "sense of change".  Perhaps it's a holdover from my childhood school days, and the anticipation of looking forward to new classes, teachers, and opportunities.  So - here's the chance for you to enjoy the same!  I am especially excited to share the news of my solo show of Barn Island paintings.  All of these marsh and woodland paintings, most of them done on location, and several LARGE paintings done in the studio. The opening reception is Friday September 12th, please SAVE THE DATE!!  I've post more information about that on tomorrow's post. 

But some other exciting news is: I'm hosting a workshop in the beautiful town of Essex, CT on Saturday September 20th, from 9:00am until 4:30pm.  We'll meet at the lovely "Paintstix Studios" at the top of Main Street. It sits high up above the Main Street on the side of a hill, and has a great view all the way down to the CT River! The light in the room is lovely!  The focus of the day is on plein air painting, and how to make a more dynamic, exciting painting.  Immediately improve your art with this one rule of composition, AND understand the FOUR things that make a successful painting.  

We'll meet upstairs at Paintstix Studio for a bit of coffee and donuts and introductions at 9am, and get to work promptly at 9:30 on a demo, explaining these topics and techniques using transparent paint and opaques.  We'll be using brushes, palette knives and 'squeegees'.   
After breaking for an hour for lunch,   we'll re-group and paint during the afternoon, on location.  I've scouted out a place close to our 'home-base' (ie. close to rest-rooms, etc).  We'll keep the group small (6) so everyone will get a lot of one-on-one time. At 4:00pm, we'll start wrapping up with final questions & answers, clean-up at 4:30 so that we can close up shop at 5:00pm. I can address questions regarding technique, and selling online.
The fee for the day's workshop is $125.  To reserve your spot, you may pay here with Paypal, or contact me to pay with a check. 

I look forward to seeing you there and helping you on the next point in 'your painting journey'. 

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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Peegees and Coneflowers - SOLD! Big Hydrangea Blossoms!

16"x8" oil on linen mounted on archival panel
For more information,  click here. 

"I'm melting! I'm melting! The summer's so hot!
Please spray me with water, I like it a lot!" 
-author unknown

"Summer is not so much a season as a melody, that tune of contentment we hum as the days begin to beautifully blur." - Sarah Ban Breathnach
One of life's greatest pleasures, growing a garden - 
and painting it, too!

***This summer has been great for bounteous blooms in our neck of the woods.  I'm hoping you've enjoyed your summer immensely! 

Sometimes it seems to pass by so quickly. Get your self outside with a glass of lemonade or tea...a good book to read....and a bit of shade.  Enjoy every little bit of time that you can. 

In my opinion, summer in New England is quite a luxury...it's always in short supply (compared to the rest of the year).  Maybe that's why I appreciate it so much! 

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Friday, August 15, 2014

Summer Garden, II - Sunflowers, Butterfly Bush, Crocosmia

16"x8" oil on linen mounted on archival panel
For more information, or to purchase, click here.

Summer days are fleeing so quickly. Seems like there's never enough time to do all the things you want to do.  I've been enjoying every bit of it, and I hope you have been as well.  Sharing another view of my garden, this was painted a day after "Summer Garden, I" and is a nice companion piece to it. The the montbretia flowers have fallen to the ground, and the sunflowers are beginning to droop under their own weight. Even though it's still August, a cool wind has blown through, and Fall is 'knocking on the door'. I suppose it's going to give up and just barge right in one of these days...a little too soon for my tastes.

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Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer Garden, I

16"x8" oil on linen mounted on archival panel
For more information, or to purchase, click here.

Oh Summer - how delightful you are!! 
I look forward to meeting up with you each year...and enjoying every single day with you!  

But you leave after only a few fleeting months...
every. single. year. 

Paintings of your sweetest memories are mine to share, 
and enjoy throughout the rest of the year.

Reminding me of why I love you, 
again, and again.  


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Monday, August 4, 2014

You're Making Me Blush

36"x36"x 1.5" deep gallery wrap canvas
For more information, or to purchase, click here. 

This painting is based on a smaller study from life. Painting larger is always a fun challenge.  It is full out exhuberance! This one brings a powerful lot of cheer to a room!


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