New England Hills and Pastures - sold

I love these tiny sketches - they are so helpful to me when thinking out an idea, trying something in miniature before committing to a large canvas.
Random thoughts on landscapes.....I find it really comforting (since our family has lived in 7 different states) that there are many places that have a familiarity to them...something similar to a place we've lived before. Yet on close examination there are differences that are quite unique to that certain place on the planet. Sometimes trees may be similar, but the soil and rock formations are totally different. Soils even SMELL different in different regions. And no- I don't go around smelling dirt! ha, I just enjoy a good hike, getting to know the territory I currently live in -breathing deeply in the fresh air and trying to remember all the beauty that I was able to take in - in just that very spot.
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