Terracotta Sunshine - sold

4x4" on gessoed hardboard. Very fun to paint, although this photograph is very reflective (wet paint). Unfortunately, Blogger wasn't functioning when I went to post it Tuesday. I'm functioning between my old computer & my new Mac, trying to get used to it & converting all my old stuff over... it's had it's weird moments. And then I had this urge to finish moving the rest of my studio into my daughter's old room upstairs! That's where the best light is, and it's being held hostage by a college student who is away most of the year!
Luckily - vacations have a way of sneaking back into our current lives when we return home. Something brings a smile to our face when we are in the midst of a big glitch. I am thinking of warm Roman sunshine, green grass...did I mention warm sun on my face? I am looking forward to spring & summer- and the glow of warm sun on terracotta, flowers spilling over. ahhh.
This little painting with a big impact is sold to Barbara Mastaglio of Norfolk, VA. Thank you so much Barbara!!
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