Friday, August 8, 2008

Mystic Country Farmhouse, Late Afternoon

6"x8" oil on Belgian linen mounted on professional artboard (Raymar)

This is very close to my house - at a nearby farm market where I love to get fresh produce - corn, tomatoes, peaches, you name it! As afternoon turns into early evening and the market is ready to close, the light is golden.....and the market fills with a last rush of customers preparing for dinner!

For purchase information, click here.


Blogger Sheila Vaughan said...

Roxanne, I'm fascinated by the texture you get with your oils. Do you use a palette knife?

August 9, 2008 at 1:04 PM  
Blogger Roxanne Steed said...

Thanks Sheila! I do like to use palette knives on the larger paintings & some of the smaller ones (maybe down to 9x12). Usually on the really small ones like 6x8 & 8x10 I'll either use a combination of knives & brushes or just go with brushes. I started really developing this in my work about 2 years ago, using only round brushes...and made myself LAY on the paint instead of thinly scrubbing it on. For example, take your index(pointer) finger of your right hand & draw it across the back of your left hand like you were touching something delicate like a butterfly wing - that's how carefully you lay on paint(with a light touch). Now that I've developed the touch for how I like to lay it on...I'll use anything in my arsenal of brushes to get the stuff on - usually filberts, flats or rounds (hog bristle). If you're careful, you can lay wet onto wet without disturbing the underneath color. But if you want to you can also press harder, in effect carving up some of the under color. And while I do use a fairly simple(limited) palette, I do lay out a LOT of each color, especially white...using lots of paint will help/in the texture department. It's sort of like frosting a cake, you have to have enough frosting so you don't mess up the cake part underneath! Hope that helps!

August 9, 2008 at 4:03 PM  
Blogger Sheila Vaughan said...

Hey, thank you for the detailed response. It's great when painters are happy to share how they arrive at the finished work. I would never have guessed that you were working in that way. It's so different from scumbling and glazing for example. Thanks for sharing that so readily!

August 11, 2008 at 12:19 AM  

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