Cooking Together/Stunt Doubles!
whoa! it's always a little scary showing the thought process... so far here is the draw-in and the beginnings of laying in the darks. As I usually do, I lay in a fairly neutral to stain the canvas, then draw in with Ultramarine blue with a fairly small (size 1 or 2) stiff hog hair brush. Then I adjust, wipe out, draw-in again until I like what I see. Then I begin to lay in the darkest darks first.
This is all I got done today. My daughters decided when they got home from work, we should all go down to New Haven. They were filming the next "Indiana Jones" down at Yale. We really hoped to catch a glimpse of Harrison Ford. But we think we just got to see a stunt-double on a motorcycle several times (same scene done over many times). This campus is so beautiful....lots of old cars were parked on the street where they were filming. I am looking forward to this next movie...although we will sure miss Sean Connery in this one (he is enjoying retirement way too much to do another IJ, sigh). So an afternoon of yacking with daughters while "star-stalking" was a fun prelude to a light supper & long drive home.