10"x8" oil on Belgian linen mounted on board (Raymar)
"A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous."
-anonymousHonestly, I don't know who said that...but I felt rather lucky coming across it, as it was something I was thinking about earlier today.
Now, funny thing is, a small miracle can come in the form of a guy in his PJs waving at me from his mailbox at 2pm.....It was Friday, I was on my way to New Milford, CT to meet up with the CT Plein Air Painters. The group was going to spend Friday through Monday at the Smyrsky farm, which is part of the Weatinogue Land Trust. I knew it was a long trip to the other side of the state (which seems odd, since CT is such a small place). It took me 3 1/2 hours to get in the 'vicinity' of the place. From the directions I had, I knew I was close, but nothing looked like the place I had seen online, so that's where the guy in the PJs comes into the story. I had passed 2 red barns that I knew were NOT the ones I was to show up at, so I pulled into a road that went up a really high hill, thinking I might spot it from up there. It went into a neighborhood, and voila, here's the guy in the PJs getting his mail out of his box at 2pm & he waves as I'm driving by. First, as a transplant from 'not around these parts', I've noticed not too many people will wave at you as you drive by, unless they know you. This guy might be quite the nutter! But I was desperate, slammed on the brakes, threw it into reverse and rolled down the window. Yep, he was still watching, and probably suspected that I was indeed the 'nutter' in the van! So I begged forgiveness for being lost in his neighborhood as I asked directions....turns out I was really close. "Close" in relative terms but at least I now knew to go just a bit further! I'm so glad I did! The place is beautiful, gentle rolling pastures with lots of black cows, a couple different barns on the property, but I chose the view of the old white barn with the small brook running through the pasture at the low place. The weather was chilly, overcast & threatening rain. Someone nearby had a wood-fire burning, the smell of it carried in the thick mist of the weather. The cows were mooing in the pastures below. Mentally, I had these wonderful flashbacks of painting in Ireland. The afternoon passed quickly, and I drew to a finish, by this time, chilled to the bone. As I drove off to head home, the rain began...and I decided to call this "Spring Rain Forecast", (Smyrski Farm, New Milford, CT).
Spring Rain Forecast, Smyrski Farm, New Milford, CT
About This Painting:
I'm an Impressionist here in the area of CT known as "Birthplace of American Impressionism". As a member of Lyme Art Association, I currently show work there, as well as galleries in CT and VA.
Media: oil on Belgian linen mounted on professional artboard
Size: 8 in X 10 in (20.3 cm X 25.4 cm)
How to Purchase:
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