Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Celtic Crossings - sold

Welcome to Wednesday!

"Ireland's ruins are historic emotions surrendered to time." - Horace Sutton

16"x20" oil on canvas mounted on professional artboard (Raymar)

The other night it was raining, and I was dreaming I was back in Ireland. This is one place my mind always likes to travel back to....these ancient stone crosses in a large expanse of bog, on Valentia Island, down by St. Brendan's Well. In the distance you can see Doulus Head, and part of Dingle Bay & the cliffs at Culoo. It is so close to staggering cliffs, you can hear the surf crashing, and the wind waves the grasses in all directions on a summer's evening, yet it is so quiet you can hear your heart beat. It is such a peaceful place to 'just be'....and when you touch these ancient stones, you sense that you have touched humanity from many hundreds of years ago. How can one place bring such a sense of calm, yet make your heart race with the simple beauty of it all? When I talk to people who have traveled there, they have had that similar experience. Not a one has left the placed unmoved, or unchanged. And...it continues to call you back there. It is that 'sense of place' that wraps itself around your heart....and reels you back in. I must begin to plan my 5th return visit....

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Blogger Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Lovely painting. Great colors.

September 12, 2008 at 6:23 PM  

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