Sharpie Marker sketch, cold press paper
I don't recall that I've posted this one. It was done to work out thoughts for a coming painting. It's from a photo taken while at the house we moved from last summer. We were renting a house from a friend, that had at one time belonged to the White family in Waterford, CT. There is a new exhibit at The
Florence Griswold Museum called Visions of Mood. It is the never-before exhibited pastel works of
Henry C. White. My fellow DailyPainter Gallery friend
Jan Blencowe saw the exhibit last week & we were emailing each other about this when I told her of living in this particular house in Waterford. Shortly after moving there in the summer of 2005, the Florence Griswold (FloGris!) held an exhibit of
Willard Metcalf's work. One of the paintings was of his young daughter in a broad-brimmed sun hat, painted on Pleasure Beach in Waterford, just behind our house! It was indeed an inspiring place to live, and I felt so connected to those artists who had come before me. I could stand on that beach and imagine that same scene right in front of me!
Jan is so right in quoting
Robert Henri regarding the bonds of a great brotherhood with our connections through art. Not only are these bonds with our contemporaries, but with those who have gone before us to lead the way, as well as those yet to come. Through Jan's paintings of coastal CT, I feel as though I've hiked where she's hiked, I know where she's carried her paint gear. And though I've yet to meet her face to face, we'll indeed get together to paint this summer! Please visit
her blog to see her paintings, as well as her writings of the current show with Henry C. White's pastel works! I am looking forward to seeing this exhibit of White's work!